I would confess not just is Runescape struggling

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Theres things they have lost along the way or RuneScape gold changed irrevocably in RS2 EOC, but not without some excellent additions or enhancements, personally I locate 07 graphics depressing, but they had been reasonable for the moment. The balance you, we all, need to find is do you want to be stuck playing the sport you remember fondly, or see the game continue growing, as much as a few of that expansion might be ugly mutations.

Hey , Iv'e got a funny story to tell you about my prohibit experience. Some of you will laugh a number of you might feel bad idk haha whatever. So I got a 24 hour ban another day and I was quite mad about it since I didn't believe I did anything wrong. I was reported for botting and the ban was a minor macroing ban. Either way I don't even know how to bot lmao. I figured I t bother attractive it since it had been just a day, and so I went with my organization.

The following day I get on and detect that my bank is all messed up. . .YES JAGEX eliminated many of my valuable things as punishment... actually an incredible amount. I was angry but what can I do. . .so I kept playing and soon after looked at my stats... my 99 woodcutting. . .is now 97. . .my 90 mining is 89 and my other stats are down at least 2 levels. . .except thief... theres 99,... currently im absolutely furious.

Guess I have a great deal of work to do. . .anyways ultimately the 3rd thing that they did which was likely what pis*d me off the most is my entire bank account was rearragned and no longer in order. . .OCD kicked . . .they dont even know how long that took me to install lmao! Guess I've a lot of work ahead of me. Either way... only the fact that there is bots upsets me because that is the reason this all happened. Comment if out of all the punishments..the reality that the whole bank was staged could pisoff you off the most!

SCENARIO: Unexpected changes are occurring in Jagex headquarters. Activity numbers are low, there is discontent among the active gamers, and the staff has run out of ideas. To be able to bring the game back to its former glory in middle school campuses throughout the world, Jagex fires the current head of Runescape and makes the decision to engage you for that position.

You are currently the head of a large multiplayer game and also have improved influence. There's a problem however: what do you need to do? If I were the head of Runescape I would confess not just is Runescape struggling but the genre is struggling (see World of Warcraft for example). However, one such game is going strong and that's League of Legends. I wouldn't copy what League of Legends is doing but attempt to buy rs 3 gold check at some things you could learn from this match.


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