Clan Citadels have not been very useful for

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A small bug in combat beta has made this available to players. Here's how: Place your normal character in the logo of hunter, near the portals to the latest hunter DnD. Log out, then RS gold enter beta. Log into the beta by clicking "import saved' You'll be able to run through the invisible walls that are located in the northwest corner of the island for tutorials. It is possible to climb the ladder and enter the building to the northwest. There is no wall. Neo, you're now in.

Clan Citadels have not been very useful for a time. Essentially, the point is to grind and get a slightly prettier building. The building isn't much use and doesn't do much. It's worth xp when you do it. This is fine however it's not the primary reason. From what I can tell these features are fairly pointless:

The Keep is also home to the Parliament room and majority of the vast spaces used in the citadel. You can't be able to hear the speaker if are seated at the edges. The crowd can be distracting, and you can easily forget you are meeting elsewhere. What is the reason your clan doesn't meet all together in game? Why not have something worth having there, in the most coveted space?

Clan avatars. It requires a lot of work with very little reward. It's not too much. Battlefields. They are fantastic tech however, is anyone actually using them? People visit Clan Wars and the Wilderness when they are looking to fight. Battlefields can be too solitary or bizarre.

The clan citadel is worth nothing in the game of runescape. The clan cape features three stars, and a vexillum includes fireworks. Is that it? Your castle is not ever visited by anyone other than members of your clan.

My clan isn't one of those clans who pushes for tier 7, even though they enjoy xp casually. Sal's Realm officially is Sal's Clan. Why do clan citadels appeal to you? Do you like them? Is it possible to like them? I'm hoping for a lively discussion about the Clan Citadel update, which was released over one year ago. It has been updated all the way to the most recent clan avatar update.

Jagex is adding more content to their game. This isn't something new however it is becoming more common. By timed content I mean content that you can only do so much of before moving on, but generally giving you greater rewards: weekly training activities like the circus and buy OSRS gold random events such as the tree of evil, or the smallest 'chunk of xp' games, such as Troll Invasion which can only be played once per month.


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