Kamagra Oral Jelly 100mg - An Effective Erectile Dysfunction Medication

The main ingredient in Kamagra Oral Jelly is sildenafil citrate which is an inhibitor of PDE5 and helps increase blood flow to the penis when sexually stimulated.

Erectile dysfunction is a common issue that affects men of all ages. It is a serious condition that can have long-term implications. Fortunately, a lot of ED medications are available in the market to treat this problem. Kamagra Oral Jelly 100mg is a popular ED medication that comes in a jelly form for easy consumption.

It is clinically manufactured by Ajanta Pharma at its clean facility. It is a very effective and safe medicine for treating ED in men. It is also helpful in lowering blood pressure and increasing sexual desire. It is a great alternative to other drugs for treating erectile dysfunction like tadalafil and sildenafil citrate.

Unlike tablets and pills, Kamagra Oral Jelly 100mg comes in different fruit flavors which make it easier to swallow for most people. The medicine is also more portable than those other drugs as it can be carried in your pocket or purse and taken anywhere. It is recommended to consume one sachet a day and not more than that. Taking more than a single sachet can result in overdosing which usually leads to uncomfortable side effects.

The main ingredient in Kamagra Oral Jelly is sildenafil citrate which is an inhibitor of PDE5 and helps increase blood flow to the penis when sexually stimulated. It works by enhancing the nitric oxide levels which helps relax the blood vessels and allows blood to fill the spongy erection tissue to produce an erection. Sildenafil citrate inhibits the action of a protein called PDE-5 which normally breaks down cGMP. The combination of these actions results in a longer-lasting erection.

This drug is not meant for use by women and it is important to avoid it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. It is not safe for children either. If you experience any unusual symptoms after consuming this medication, contact your doctor immediately. You should also inform your doctor of any health problems you have including heart and liver diseases, a history of stroke, high blood pressure, or kidney disease.

You should also not take this Cenforce 200 Australia medication if you are on any other medications including those to treat heart conditions and high blood pressure. It can interact with certain medications like nitrates and alpha blockers. Only your doctor has access to your complete medical history and will be able to recognize any potential interactions.

Always store the medication in an airtight container and keep it out of reach of children. Do not take it if the expiry date has passed. If you are unsure about how to properly store the drug, consult your doctor or pharmacist for more information.

Besides this, you should also avoid consuming alcohol and other drugs while on this medicine as it may make your side effects worse. Moreover, driving while on this medication is not advised as it can impair your ability to concentrate.

You should also contact your doctor if you feel any of the following side effects while on Kamagra Oral Jelly. A headache along with visual blurring is a sign of overdose. Similarly, hearing loss is a serious symptom and you should seek emergency medical attention right away.


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