Removing the Mid Icons from the above

This is a huge dice roll, even though the potential rewards are greatest. You have to ask yourself: will you be happy to have spent so many hours grinding

Mid or Prime Player Pick + 83×25 11 Depending on FC 24 Coins your preference, you could take the 83×25 here or you could take both of the lower-rated fodder packs instead. The Player Pick gives you three choices, which is a bit like opening three Icon Packs at once, albeit you can only keep one of the items.Prime Icon Player Pick + 82×25 11 Removing the Mid Icons from the above will cost you access to the highest-rated fodder pack, but it still a nice option.92+ Prime or Moments Pack + 81×25 11 This is a huge dice roll, even though the potential rewards are greatest. You have to ask yourself: will you be happy to have spent so many hours grinding all 18 tokens just to end up with 92-rated Peter Schmeichel and a bunch of 83 and 84-rated gold cards? Because that is (arguably) the worst-case scenario, and it will happen to somebody!Icon Swaps 2 token objectives
The Ligue 1 reward in FC 22 Icon Swaps 2. EA

Tokens for Icon Swaps 2 can be earned by completing objectives online and offline. These are split between Live FUT Friendlies (online) and Squad Battles (offline), and there is also the ever-controversial requirement to win 13 matches in FUT Champions to unlock the final token in each of the two token batches.

At the time of writing, the first set of nine tokens are available for completing these objectives in FC 22 Ultimate Team:

FUT Champions online objective 11 Win 13 FUT Champions matches. This can include Playoffs matches as well as Finals (Weekend League).Ligue 1 online objective 11 Construct a squad of Ligue 1 players (including bench) and take them into buy EAFC 24 Coins battle against other players in Live FUT Friendlies:
