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The paladin will pop them immediately
The paladin will pop them immediately Oct 11

The paladin will pop them immediately

jours des heures restant

If you can prevent the resto Shaman from testing while applying pressure your victory is nearly guaranteed.This is an essential ability for Paladins especially rats seen as they'll most likely use it to teach themselves to kill since it only has a 45 second cooldown, they will have to strike justice during the timer for your trinket, therefore be mindful of the hogs you fool because the majority they're tails are tied to you not possessing a trinket, and the result of landing Hodge in the next round is blessing and protection.

This is an extremely special ability as it eliminates all physical effects of any target that it's tested on. If you are able to disarm someone, the paladin will pop them immediately, removing the disarm, since it's physically based. This is possible using any of the following techniques: the blind Mortal Strike, chimney shot or even a chimney shot.

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11-10-23 - 12:00 Date de début
30-10-26 - 12:00 Date de fin
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