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Interesting Fun Fact About Pets

fun facts about the dogs and pets

Dog Facts

  • Dalmatians are born without spots!  They are born with plain white coats with their first spots appearing after they are 1week old.
  • Dogs sweat through their foot pads to help keep them cool.  They also keep cool by panting.
  • Greyhounds are the world’s fastest dogs with the ability to reach up to 45 mph.
  • Every dog has a unique nose print with no two alike.
  • The Basenji, an African wolf dog, does not bark in a normal way but may yodel or scream when excited!
  • Snoopy, from Charles M. Schultz’s “Peanuts” comic strip, is a beagle.
  • A dog’s sense of smell is 1000 times greater than a human's!
  • Nine percent of dog owners will have a birthday party for their pet.
  • Dogs have 28 baby teeth and 42 permanent teeth

Pet Facts

  • 94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day.
  • The American Veterinary Dental Society states that 80% of Dogs and 70% of cats show signs of oral disease by age 3.


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