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It isn't the best weapon, but its strength bonus

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This is something that I am sure most people know already. The RS gold Candy cane of Christmas has good offensive and defensive stats. It can't be expected to have huge statistics considering its requirements. But, it is high in some aspects for free play items.

It isn't the best weapon, but its strength bonus is better than the scimitar made of iron. This makes it a viable one-attack weapon for those who don't have to pay. It is the second most popular holiday weapon, behind the scimitar. What does this all mean? Jagex wants to make holiday items that are semi-useful. They've suggested they do so, saying that "To an extent, we developers (and players) should accept that the holiday items will never be the most-used in the game, however this doesn't mean that they should be dismissed as insignificant." (Dev Blog Holiday Event: A Warble for Christmas Warble). Is this something you would like to test?

This is an excellent idea. It provides new players an incentive to participate in the holiday events. When I first began running, I didn't see a need to attend the easter event, after all the ring was useless and all the great places to train were empty all of a sudden. If I knew that they might be useful, I would have gone there. It's a shame that I didn’t go, as the egg ring is one of my favorite rewards.

I've been wondering what other people think (or think (or) rumoured updates like Acheron or the Eastern landmass could be. So read my thoughts and then leave yours.

It will be a huge-scale Barbarian village, which is what I am sure it will be. Village people support one another. Fisherman give to chefs, and cookers help fighters. It's likely to be big, I believe. It will include a port-of-entry as well as hunter outposts. These would be the only areas which are not affected by the freezing effect. (Frostbite develops and can cause damage to your body, so special clothing delay the timer until it is fully established. It's what it looks like.

You could find big game such as mammoths and saber teeth all over the world, and then hunt for them. Fishers could catch special fish that are only found in northern waters. The clothes made from buy RuneScape gold mammoth fur would become degradable. This could create a need for crafters and aid in keeping the supplies flowing. lighting a fire and standing near it could also reset the timer until the frostbite has gone. There are special artic trees scattered all across the continent. Penguin patrols are an ongoing danger. Special ores could also be discovered.


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