MMOexp: Imo combo stun technique is not too strong

I think the buffs just happen by chance, something like when they add to the game things that benefit the SSF mode, such as easier access to 6 links or coloring with coins poisoned...

As for the biggest struggle you mentioned is that everything is dealt with a trading mind in mind. Such as item drop rate, mod weight and harvesting cost for Path of exile currency example. I think as long as GGG's main focus is on the commercial league, the SSF's "accessibility issue" will remain the same.

I think the buffs just happen by chance, something like when they add to the game things that benefit the SSF mode, such as easier access to 6 links or coloring with coins poisoned... and even this is not the perfect solution as these rewards are always weighted with trade in mind. You can choose MMOexp service, best offers - POE 2 Currency for sale.

Imo combo stun technique is not too strong. The perks it provides are strong, yes, but they only shine when combined with other strong defenses that increase your max attack and also come with POE buy currency some pretty hefty opportunity costs.

Le Aventurine

16 בלוג פוסטים
